Romans 1:20

Posted by Anthony Crumley

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,

God personally created the entire universe.  His person is not visible to the human eye but His creative work is open and exposed in all that He made.

In the world around us we can see many of His characteristics.  The amazing intricacies and harmony of creation reveal His wisdom.  His goodness can be seen in all that is enjoyable and beautiful.  His faithfulness is evident in the predictability of days and nights, seasons and tides, gravity and the laws of physics.  His personal characteristics are seen in the personalities of people since we are created in His likeness.

All these characteristics of God are clearly understood by the things that God has made, especially by people.  We have the greatest capacity of all creatures to understand what God has revealed of Himself in creation.

God’s continual and limitless power is demonstrated in the most spectacular ways.  The power expended by our sun everyday is mind boggling.  The energy expended in a powerful hurricane is equivalent to 200 times the world-wide electrical generating capacity.  (NOAA)  Of all that can be seen of God in creation, power is the most clearly seen.

The word Godhead refers to Gods divinity, the fact that He is God.  His existence and the reality that He is God is revealed by His character and characteristics being seen in creation.

As a result, every person in the world is without excuse before Him.  He has provided us with overwhelming evidence that He exists and has clearly revealed to us what He is like.

Romans 1:19Romans 1:21

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