Romans 1:1
Paul wrote a hand written letter to the believers in Rome, which we now refer to as the book of Romans in the Bible. This letter has survived for almost 2000 years and has been read by countless people. Letter writing can be a powerful ministry and God has used it mightily in the Church.
Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God
Paul referred to himself as a bondservant or slave of Jesus. He did not think of himself as being in a position of status but rather one of service. We all need to think of ourselves as servants of Jesus and one another.
Calling is a concept that has fallen out of style. Paul considered himself to be called by God to do his ministry. To be called is to be divinely selected. We all should seek out God’s calling for us and begin to live it out.
Apostles are messengers or ambasadors sent out by someone important. There are twelve apostles in the Bible who were specially commissioned and sent by Jesus to deliver His message to the world. In addition to the original twelve, every believer in Jesus is also a messenger to the world.
God separated Paul out and appointed him to tell the gospel of Jesus. Everywhere he went, he told about “Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” (1 Cor. 2:2) The gospel is that simple and we should tell it every chance we get.