Who Is Like Jehovah?

Posted by Anthony Crumley

After God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt by destroying Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea, they sang a song of praise to Him for His glorious work.  In this song they asked the questions “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?  Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”  (Exodus 15:11)  The implied answer is no one.

The word translated as “Lord” in this verse is Jehovah.  So the question could be asked as “Who is like Jehovah among the gods?”

Jehovah just finished having a showdown with the gods of Egypt where He proved there is no other god like Him.  In fact, those so called gods were not gods at all.  They were false gods backed by Satan and his demons.  Satan is not a god but is rather a supernatural creature that has fallen from holiness.  He was originally created by God to serve Him and cannot compete with Him as god.

The second question brings out two things about Jehovah that makes Him different from all others.  The first is His holiness.  God is absolutely pure and not tainted in any way.  Holiness carries the meaning of being set apart or separated from other things.  God is singularly set apart from all other things and is absolutely incorruptible.  There is truly none other like Him in holiness.

The second thing that makes God different from other gods is His ability to perform deeds that produce fear, awe and wonder.  The bible is filled from the first to last page with awesome deeds that God has and will do.  From original creation, to the flood, to the plagues of Egypt, to the incarnation, to the resurrection of Jesus, to the final judgment, to the creation of a new heaven and earth, Jehovah performs miracles that only He is capable of pulling off.  There is none like Him who is “awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders”.

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