Romans 1:10

Posted by Anthony Crumley

making request if, by some means, now at last I may find a way in the will of God to come to you.

One of Pauls prayer requests concerning the Romans was that he would get a chance to visit them.  The Romans needed Paul to minister to them and he desparatly wanted to minister, yet he submitted himself to the will of God instead of running off to Rome on his own.  Just because there was an opportunity to minister and a great need for ministry, Paul was not free to up and go to Rome.  He would not go unless there was a way to do so that was in the will of God.

Do we have this same commitment to finding God’s will concerning our ministry?  Do we seek and follow God’s will for us or do we simply look for opportunities that we want to participate in and do that instead?  The difference is subtle but important.

Why are we not determined to wait on God’s will?  Why do we chase after whatever opportunity presents itself?  I think one reason is that we don’t believe God’s specific will for us is knowable.  We don’t really believe that He will reveal it to us.  Therefore, we do what seems right in our own eyes.

Romans 1:9Romans 1:11

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2 Responses to “Romans 1:10”

  • Curtiss Hipps Says:

    Why do you think God would delay a servant that is desiring to minister for Him? Was Paul busy where he was and leaving would hinder that ministry or was it just time for him to WAIT?

  • Anthony Crumley Says:

    There are many reasons why the Lord would want to delay us. We may not be ready to perform the ministry. They may not be ready receive the ministry. God my have something else He wants us to do first. The bottom line is that God understands the whole picture and can orchestrate things in ways we never could.

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