Romans 1:30
slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
In verse 29 a list was started of the kinds of sin people’s lives are filled with when God gives them over to the control of their sinful minds. The list is continued in this verse and the next.
Slanderers are people who publicly speak lies against people, defaming them with evil accusations.
Haters of God are people who despise God’s righteous demands on their lives and His condemnation of their sin.
Insolent people are convinced of their superior view of life and are insulting, rude and disrespectful to others as a result.
Haughty is to be proud and arrogant with a condescending attitude, showing contempt and disdain for others.
Boastful is to represent yourself as something more than you are, to be a pretender, faker or impostor.
Inventors of evil indicates a mindset of always coming up with new ways to fulfill one’s self with no regard for the lifestyle God wants us to live. As a result, they keep coming of with new ways of sinning. As those new sins stop being fulfilling, they come up with new ones not realizing that fulfillment in life only comes from a right relationship with God.
Disobedience to parents is a result of sinful pride. Parents generally have the best interest of their children in mind, so disobeying them is foolish and wrong.