Romans 1:31
foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
In verse 29 a list was started of the kinds of sin people’s lives are filled with when God gives them over to the control of their sinful minds. The list is continued in verse 30 and finished in this verse.
Foolish is to be without understanding or discernment. Foolish people are those who do not comprehend the reality and importance of a right relationship with God. They think that their ways are right whether they agree with God’s ways or not. They think that God’s ways are foolish and ignorant.
Faithless is to be untrustworthy and a breaker of promises.
Heartless is to be without the natural kinds of love and affection that people have for each other. It especially applies to the relationship between parents and their children. Heartless parents will not love and care for their children as they should and vice versa.
Ruthless is to be without mercy or compassion for others.