Only Jesus and His Death

Posted by Anthony Crumley

Christians have a very simple message for the world.  Jesus is the perfect Son of God and every person is a spiritually dead sinner.  God accepts Jesus and rejects everyone else because of their sin.  Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sin.  Jesus arose from the dead so we can have spiritual life through Him.  Everyone who believes these things about Jesus becomes acceptable to God.  Everyone who rejects these things about Jesus is rejected by God.

It is easy for Christians to get caught up in social issues, politics, religion, theology, philosophy, etc.  But Jesus alone should be the focus of all that we say and do.  Although, Paul is recognized as the preeminent theologian, he always maintained his focus on Jesus.

For I decided to concentrate only on Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. (1 Cor. 2:2, NLT)

In every situation, our message to the world is to always stay focused “on Jesus Christ and his death on the cross.”

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