Romans 2:7
to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life;
God is looking for consistency in people’s lives. He wants us to do things that are good and beneficial to ourselves as well as to others. We are to do good constantly and continually throughout our lives, showing endurance and perseverance in well doing without giving up. The test of our patience in well-doing comes during difficult times and in dealing with difficult people.
Our motivation for doing well should be our desire to find glory, honor and immortality.
Glory in this life means that God and other people have a good opinion of us and our lifestyle. Ultimately though, the glory we seek is that state we will enter into when Jesus returns and we are with Him, fully experiencing Him and His life in us.
Honor is the recognition we receive for patience in well-doing. It is the value God places on the lifestyle we live. Our desire should be to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Immortality may be better translated incorruption, purity or sincerity. It is a lifestyle that is beyond reproach and results in a clear conscience before God and other people.
God’s reward for those who endure in well doing is eternal life. This is the kind of life that God experiences and He is the only one that can give it to us.