The Universe Was Created
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. … By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Â (Hebrews 11:1, 3)
Faith is a scary thing. Â It puts us in a position to be considered fools by other people. Â Faith convinces us of the reality of things that can’t be seen. Â It is not possible to prove the things that we believe by faith.
One of the things we know by faith is that God created the entire universe by speaking it into existence.  Everything that was made, God created from nothing.  There was no preexisting matter that He used to create the universe.  He brought all matter into existence at that time of creation.
Believing that God created the universe as described in Genesis 1 puts us in direct contradiction to the scientific theories of today.  Even if we try to stretch out the length of the days to billions of years rather than 24 hours, it still contradicts the scientific theories because the sun is not created until the forth day.  The earth is created on the first day, the atmosphere on the second, plant life on the third and the sun on the forth.  There is no way to shoehorn the timeline of Genesis 1 into the big bang theory.
The assumption of faith is that the bible is correct concerning the origin of the universe. Â When the bible and science are at odds on this topic, we need to reevaluate science’s interpretation and understanding of the information they have. Â When that information is understood correctly, it should be in agreement with the bible. Â Yet, we need to be careful not to twist science to fit the bible. Â We simply need to continue working with the scientific information until we understand it properly.
We also need to be careful not to twist the bible to fit science. Â We need to continue improving our understanding of science and the bible. Â When we come to a complete understanding of both, by faith we believe that they will agree.