True Worshipers
Much of what is considered worship in traditional and contemporary churches alike is questionable. Just as in biblical times, too much focus is on the location [John 4:19-22] and activities performed [Isaiah 1:9-17]. Getting the external form right does not impress God at all. He is only pleased when we do the right things with spirituality and sincerity.
Jesus said that “true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” [John 4:23, 24, ESV]
The phrase “true worshipers” referes to those who are real, sincere, genuine and who are not pretenders. We must “worship the Father in spirit.” It is impossible to be “true worshipers” when we are fleshly, self-centered and sinful. Also, we must “worship the Father in…truth.” Sincerity alone does not impress God either. Often times our worship is unfufilling because we worship a god of our own imagination, one who does not resemble the true God revealed in the Bible. We must know Him as He actually is in order to be “true worshipers.”