Whatever Is Pure
God wants us to have thoughts that are pure and not contaminated by sin. (Phil. 4:8) Our thoughts can be contaminated by our own sinful desires as well as from the influence of other people and the world system around us that is controlled by Satan.
Something that is pure is free from defilement or corruption. Pure thoughts are not corrupted by the world and its philosophies. They are based on truth and not error. They are right and not wrong.
The source of all pure thoughts is God. We can be confident that all thoughts that truly result from God and the bible are pure thoughts. He put His Holy Spirit in each person who believes on Jesus, helping us think pure thoughts. The Holy Spirit does this by revealing to us the mind of God and His will for us. He teaches us about Jesus and produces the mind of Christ in us.
As we allow the Holy Spirit to fill and control us, our thoughts become more and more pure. As we take control of our own lives, our thoughts become less and less pure.
* See also Think On These Things.