Expectant Faith
Faith in the promises of God should produce a confident expectation in the believer. In fact, a lack of expectation is sinful. If we don’t expect God to follow through on His promises, we are implying that He is not faithful, not true and is, in fact, capable of lying.
God has promised He will not let us be tempted beyond our ability and with each temptation He will provide a way of escape. If we truly believe this promise, we will expect Him to provide escape for every temptation that comes our way. Any temptation we experienced without a clear means of escape would shock us to the core of our being.
This expectation should be so confident that we would be sorely disappointed if God didn’t follow through on any promise He has made. Sadly, it seems the opposite is often true. Many of us would be surprised or even shocked if God did something undeniably real in our lives as a result of faith in His promises.